Sunday, July 17, 2011


Dick has heart number 739;  after eleven hour in surgery, his heart is in and is beating beautifully! It has been a very full 24 hours!  Everyone attending Dick has and is absolutely great, Dr. John even gave me his card so I could call him if I had any questions.  What a wonderful doctor.

Dede and I are still at the hospital. We are going to leave for the hotel in about 5.1/2 hours.  Hopefully Sunday will be a quiet, uneventful day  - the Kelly family needs a little down time.

  • ADDED  6:00 AM Sunday Morning:  So far there have been no signs of rejection, things still are going extremely well.  Blood pressure is holding its own and is stable.


  1. GREAT NEWS MARY...I am on my way, will keep in touch!

  2. Wonderful! We will continue to pray!

  3. How wonderful! You will continue to be in our prayers in the coming days and weeks!

    Mike B.

  4. Praise and more praise to our God who works in such amazing ways.
