Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Visible Miracles

This morning  Dede, Richard and I arrived at the hospital to find Dick eating, walking and speaking slowly but clearly.  The Neurologists were there and were so encouraged about Dick's miraculous recovery!!!!!!   They were concluding that the clot was caused by the heart and there is something that can be done about it: blood thinners.  His cardiologist had been in earlier and said this definitely would put him high on the transplant list, so since he seems to always be in the hospital over a holiday, that means around Thanksgiving.....
He may  be moving to a rehab center tomorrow for about one week then HOME.  If you had seen him yesterday you would not believe it.  The only explanation - the Faithfulness of God.
All your heart felt prayers are being answered.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


  1. what a blessing!!!!! Love, Nancy

  2. Oh my goodness. Such are the ups and downs of life. I am giving thanks for God's grace and your quick actions. Know that love and prayers surround you.

  3. Hallelujah Amen!
