Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Today is Tuesday, August 24th and our dear Dolly died.  She was such a wonderful dog and will be forever missed.  I will never forget her famous ball trick where she would lay on her back and holding the ball in between her two front paws, drop the ball into her mouth, then again she would take it out of her mouth to do it all over again.  She would play ball with herself if no one else would play with her.
Isaiah 11 talks about animals and on a day like today, I pray these wonderful pets of ours will be with us again some day.  They have shown us what  unconditional love looks like.
I remember the day she was delivered and today, in the same room where she was born, she breathed her last.
She was one of our family and all who are reading this are amongst those who are closest to us and more than likely remember what a wonderful blessing she was and always will be.


  1. Dick and Mary.....I am so sorry...bless her wonderful soul and yes, I know dogs go to heaven and all of mine are waiting for me as yours are for you.
